Domain Names for Business

Domain Names for Business

We provide a full range of professional Domain Name management services
Designed specifically for businesses in the UK and Ireland
    • Brand searches and Domain Name suggestions
    • Domain Registrations for new new domains and extensions 
    • Acquisitions and purchase negotiations of Domains Names from existing owners
    • Domain Name transfers from previous provider, fully managed by us
    • Domain portfolio management and cost control
    • DNS and technical services, including email, SSL, CDN, hosting and anti-virus
    • Smooth integration with your other technical service providers 
We specialise in Domain Name portfolio consolidation and simplification. All your domains in one place and safely managed for your business.
Since 1996.

Just some of the Domain Names we offer

Country specific: .uk, .ie, .fr, .es etc
Global generic: .com, .net, .org etc
Industry specific: .io, .agency, .digital, .accountant etc
Sector specific: .tv, .radio, .media, .sport etc
New domains and extensions: .ai, .rugby, .web, .music
UK Public Sector:
We can offer services for almost every domain name extension,
including those that are at pre-release stage. 

Who do we serve?

  • Small, medium and large limited companies

  • Sole traders and business owners 

  • Private citizens with domain name requirements

  • Charities, clubs, societies and not-for-profit organisations

  • IT Services providers, web and app developers that require domains for their clients

Brand searches and Domain Name suggestions

Domain Names are a vital asset for your business. They:

  • Are unique and they hold value in themselves. They are often one of the most important assets in the transaction, if you decide to sell your business.

  • Need to describe your business to your customers. They need to promote trust.

The type of domain extension is important. They say a lot about you and who you want to serve. For example a .io domain will say something quite different to a .ai Domain Name. Businesses in some countries expect to see country-level 'national' domains like .fr and .ie as much as they expect to see a .com domain. 

If you are starting a new business or developing a new product we can help advise on how best to make sure you choose the best Domain Name for it. We can also make sure it is valid, protected and doesn't leave you exposed to trademark infringement down the line.

Domain Name registrations for new domains and new extensions 

When you have an idea of the type of brand you want, you need to look at the Domain name possibilities for it.

When you know that your preferred name is available, we will register that on your behalf and add it to your account. It is as simple as that.

To check whether your ideal Domain Name is available, use one of the many domain name availability checkers on the Internet and let us know. We can help you do that search too - all part of our service.

Need some advice on your Domain Name strategy?

Get in touch to discuss

Domain Name transfers from your previous providers 

Where you have an existing Domain Name with another provider, you can transfer that into your account with Tibus.

Most of our clients ask us to consolidate all their Domain Names into one single account, so they can have total piece of mind that it is all in one place and managed professionally. 

We complete transfers and consolidation on your behalf - talking to the existing Domain Name provider and completing the whole process for you. 

Domain Name portfolio management and cost control 

Most of our clients have a number of Domain Names and most are keen to make sure they manage that cost each year.

We can advise on what you need and what cost can be eliminated by reviewing that with you. Reducing needless domain name cost is often straightforward. Our annual Domain Name prices are generally significant less that other providers, too.  

DNS and technical services

Our DNS is included with every Domain Name we provide. We also offer a full range of associated technical services for clients that want them.

  • DNS record management on 'white glove' basis 

  • Sub-domains

  • DMARC records

  • DKIM

  • Automated renewals and Domain Name assurance

  • SSLs

  • Self-service DNS control 

Integration with your other technical providers 

Our Domain Name services are designed to integrate with your existing technical providers.

You can register your Domain Names with us and manage them and also choose to work with any other provider:

  • Public Cloud providers like AWS, Azure, Google

  • Managed hosting providers

  • VPS Hosting providers

  • Email providers like Gmail, Office 365 and independent mail providers 

  • Mail service providers like MailGun, SendGrid, and MailChimp 

  • Anti-Virus providers like Sophos, Crowdstrike etc 

  • CDNs like Akamai, CloudFlare and Fastly

Unlimited Technical Support

Our support is included in your charges and completely unlimited. Our engineers are all Tibus staff and based locally. We can assist with whatever you need and we aim to resolve even the most complicated queries on the spot.

No call centres, no queuing systems and no outsourcing of our services.

Business-to-business support when you need it. 

Our Domain Name prices 

Registration of new domain name
£50 / €60

Transfer of an existing domain name
£50 / €60

Renewal of domain name
£50 / €60

These prices cover the vast majority of domain names, but some domain names will cost significantly more.

We will provide you with an accurate estimate for your specific requirements, before you incur any cost at all.

We do not need a credit card for Domain Names. We can invoice in arrears if you prefer and we offer credit terms for business customers. We can work with most purchase order systems and procurement processes. Business services for businesses.

Could Tibus be your Domain Names provider?

We're always happy to have a chat

Drop us a line